The paper identifies epistemological basis of the concept of Synergetics, the task of which is to cognize the general principles of self-organization in different systems. It discovers the theoretical basis of self-organization processes in various natural, social and technological phenomena, which create a new field in complex systems research. By applying interdisciplinary approach, it is shown that self-developing systems are subject to hierarchic organization of subordinate levels, they are able to create new levels and, hence, to acquire the new entity. It is pointed out that such organization manner requires a new kind of understanding, reasoning, and methodologic reflections. The parameters of sycergistics as a transdisciplinary field, tied with the search of algorithms and patterns of evolution and coevolution of complex systems and being researched in the context of various ontologies are defined. The emphasis is put on the creative content of synergetics, which finds its realization in education. It is proved that the process of education and interaction between student and teacher is a non- linear situation of an open dialogue, of direct and reverse relationship. The paper identifies the essential elements of synergistic reasoning as a realization of creative potential of a human in cognition and educational activity.
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