The paper presents the integrated assessment of health of the law students aged 17-23. The assessment was made according to the results of anthropometric measurements, functional tests, special load tests and psychological questionnaires. Main reasons that determine the low indices of the students’ health are as follows: lack of healthy lifestyle, unfavorable hygienic and sanitary conditions, and high level of psychosocial tension. At the modern stage the medical examinations held in higher educational institutions are not aimed on the student health research. Their aim is to assess whether a student is able to join a certain medical group, and the purpose of medical examinations is to reveal a certain list of diseases. The prenosological conditions when the physiological changes are still within the limits of the so called clinical normal range are not considered, and are not considered by doctors during prophylactic examinations. The suggested quantitative assessment for different body systems and psychophysiological analysis can reveal the individual student health condition most exactly, so it will be possible to give the recommendations for the optimal professional work for every student. The quantitative assessment of the research shows that in the beginning of the academic year the anthropometric indices of the examined students were within the range of the age norm, and the indices for the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems indicated the low level of aerobic activity. The decrease of the Ruffier index, the positive dynamics of the cardiovascular parameters, an increase in strength, flexibility and coordination, which the examined students demonstrated up to the end of the academic year, reflect the objective mechanisms of the body adaptation under the influence of the adequately held aerobic training sessions (based on the adaptation of the students to the proposed loads) i.e. the good health improving effect.
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