Дана порівняльна оцінка місцевого застосування гелів «Квертулін» та «Холісал» у хворих на гене- ралізований пародонтит І-ІІ ступеня важкості на підставі аналізу вмісту цитокінів та С-реактивного білку у ротовій рідині обстежених. З’ясовано, що застосування біофлавоноїда «Квертуліну» значно ко- регує вміст С-реактивного білку та у меншій ступені впливає на зміни цитокінового спектру у ротовій рідині хворих з генералізованим пародонтитом, у порівнянні з даними у пацієнтів, у яких застосувався гель«Холісал»The choice of treatment strategy in patients with generalized periodontitis is caused by different reasons, but the high preventive efficacy of the drugs is one of the most significant and promising sides in the evaluation of treatment. At conducting a series of cross-sectional study was found a strong relationship between C-reactive protein (CRP) in acute phase in serum and severity of periodontal diseases.Aim. To define and carry out a comparative assessment of the content of C-reactive protein and cytokine spectrum in oral fluid of patients with generalized periodontitis of I and II severity as a result of local application of bioflavonoid «Kvertulin-gel» and antiseptic «Holisal-gel».Methods. Depending on the use of local drugs, patients using simple randomization were divided into two groups: I — 30 persons whose used «Kvertulin-gel» and II — 30 persons, where «Holisal-gel» is used as applica- tions on gums with antiseptic, antimicrobial and analgesic effects.Results. The use of «Holisal gel» in the form of local pharmacotherapy corrected concentration of in- dividual indicators compared with similar data in patients where used «Kvertulin-gel». Thus, the content of γ-IFN in oral fluid for patients of II group was 12.7 %, p1> 0,05, IL-1 — 3.3 %, p1> 0.05 and TNF-α — 8.0 % (p1<0.01) lower than for patients of I group. At the same time, the use of «Kvertulin-gel» by patients of I group has reduced the concentration of IL-6 by 7.7 % (p1>0.05) and 9.6 % (p1<0.05) increase the level of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-2 in oral fluid compared with the data after treatment in patients of II group. The use of «Kvertulin-gel» by patients of I group reduced the level of CRP in oral fluid of patients more than 2 times compared with those in patients where «Holisal-gel» is used as gingival applications.Conclusions. The results of immunological studies using data analysis of interleukin spectrum and C-reactive protein in oral fluid and clinical observations show a high efficiency of «Kvertulin-gel» in the treatment of GP of I and II severity than the local taking «Holisal-gel» in patients with the same dental diagnosis
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