The system of Olympic education and training of children and youth has been formed in Russia since 1980. Its main goal is to involve the younger generation of Russian people to the universal values and ideals of spiritual beauty and nobility. Big difficulties in the practical solution of the problems related to Olympic training of school children were revealed in the recent studies. Therefore, at the present time the problem of improving the effectiveness of this activity by searching for new forms, methods and techniques of their implementation and new approaches to its organization is put to the forefront. Current priorities in the development of school education are defined by a new strategy of social development based on knowledge and high technology. The use of information and communication technologies will help solve many problems and eliminate the difficulties of this educational system, making the learning process more accessible and attractive. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the possibility and the need for using the basic means of information and communication technologies at physical education lessons to improve the efficiency of the organization of the learning process on Olympic education. The purpose of the present research was to identify and justify the basic means of information and communication technologies needed to improve the effectiveness of the learning process on Olympic education. The proposed means of information and communication technologies, on the one hand, created the conditions of attractiveness and accessibility of the learning process, and on the other — thanks to Olympic education students could develop the values of the Olympic culture and the need for systematic physical training and sports activities was formed.
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