Практикующие стоматологи знают, как непросто найти контакт и взаимодействие с пациентами, страдающими заболеваниями жевательно-речевого аппарата. Наличие психохарактерологических нарушений у этих больных отмечают многие исследователи, одни из которых относят данные заболе- вания к разряду психосоматических, другие — к соматическим.В связи с этим перед нами была поставлена цель: исследовать психохарактерологические особенности пациентов с патологией жевательно-речевого аппаратаClinical dentists know that it is very difficult to find a contact and to interact with patients suffering from diseas- es of the mastication and speech apparatus. Many researches pay attention to the psychiatric and character devi- ations of this type of patients. Some of them describe these deviations as psychosomatic, others describe them as physical.Our goal was to explore the psychiatric and character features of the patients with the pathology of the mastica- tion and speech apparatus and to reveal the specifics of the reduction of the disease symptoms under the influ- ence of the adjuvant therapy. The research is based on the survey of 105 patients before and after the treatmentusing the “Scale of the emotional state based on the eye expression”. The research revealed the changes in theemotional state of the patients with this pathology according to their eye expression. It means that the research created a new tool for the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the eye expression as an indicator of the psycho-emotional state of a person — the tool that is additional for the basic psycho-diagnostic tests
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