During the last 5 years the normative regulation of both the sphere of education and physical culture and sport has been almost constantly changing and improved. Federal state standards and federal government requirements are being introduced that define the structure and content of vocational training, sports training, programs for preprofessional studies in the field of physical culture and sport, setting the problem of system approach to the training system for the sphere of physical culture given the experience of preprofessional training and multi-level education. Education in the field of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation is possible in several learning paths. The feature of personnel training in physical education and sport in Russia is that it is based on mastering sports training programs and other educational programs in the field of physical culture and sport. The purpose of the study was to analyze the historical development of the representation of physical culture and sport in the domestic and international classifications in the field of education and science as the basis of the statutory regulation of the structure of the vocational training sector. The development of standardization of secondary vocational and higher education in the field of physical culture and sport, and later preprofessional and sports training took place in isolation, which indicates the lack of conditions to ensure the continuity and interrelation of educational programs at various levels.
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