The purpose of the study was to organize the educational process of student-athletes effectively according to an individual learning path within the university course of physiology. Given that the individual learning path is a multidimensional concept, there exist several areas of its implementation: informative (realized through variative curricula and educational programs), activity-related (realized via innovative educational technologies, externship, new information technologies), procedural (defines the organizational aspect, types of communication). Thanks to using the technology of the student’s individual learning path the process of studying the course of fundamentals of physiology was optimized and the idea of interactive learning was put into practice. During classes students can join informal discussions; the curriculum contains more practical classes, lab practicals and less lectures; free attendance shows the specificity of studying on the Faculty of Physical Culture; student’s initiative, in particular participation in scientific conferences, is encouraged; practical training sessions are arranged on the basis of solving group tasks that require team effort; continuous monitoring is carried out throughout the semester; students do a lot of written work. So interactive learning is not so much a theoretical model as the reality of the educational practice.
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